According to Jacobson [1], the first generation of the network dealt with connecting wires. The second one focused on end nodes hosting data while the third generation should refocus on what humans care the most about Information.
Their information models distinguish between 2 main objects:
Data Objects (DO): are the actual bit-patterns that contain the information: such as file, phone call, video, web page, a song(Beethoven's 9th symphony) etc. These data objects can be divided into "chunks" smaller pieces in order to simplify the transfer.
Information Objects (IO): holds semantic information and meta-data related to data objects, such as Beethoven's 9th symphony is an mp3 file encoded with 128kbps, IOs can be composed of other IOs or directly pointing to one or multiple DOs. An IO can represent the Eiffel tower and point to DO like pictures, a wiki page or service to buy tickets, etc.
Versioning and Revocation:
Since some information is frequently changing such as news papers. An IO can represent today's version, however the IO should adapt dynamically by binding to another DO (web page) the next day, and so on for the IO pointing to yesterday's news.
They suggest that objects invalidate themselves in order to conserve consistency. After an amount of time, objects should be recertified before it can be used. By applying this technique, they maintain consistency due to disconnected operation during information update of other replicas for example. DO can be deleted same way when no certification is given.
Security considerations:
Security in today's architecture is based on confidence (Encryption keys) of the host delivering the object, they propose to reshape security conventions so we can handle secured data instead of secured tunnels.
Integrity and authenticity is directly tied to object's names which means there would be a cryptographic relation between the name and object such as self-certifying names. However to enable off-line verification, DO must carry private keys which can be compromised. Another approach is to assign precomputed signatures to objects. It remains a research field.
Name resolution(NR):
Data objects are retrieved based on their unique identity (UID). NR starts with locating the object in the network then routing forwards the object retrieval query to its storage location and finally the DO is sent to the requesting client.
The naming resolution resolves an UID into one or more locations and should work on global and local scale by cooperating between NR systems for example. They show the side effects if ID/address split mechanism is adopted with the following example, if a laptop hosting numerous Data Objects moves its location then all Data objects location changes too. This will lead to huge number of updates in the NR system.
The NR system will be influenced by the characteristics of namespaces. They would like to adopt flat names which respects the non right of ownership and other characteristics revealed by [2].
Off course, using flat names prevents the use of hierarchical names spaces and systems like DNS.
DHT based solutions are promising since the are decentralized, scalable, self-organized and don't need central structure. However when going globally DHT uses flat names hence non hierarchical names which prevents cooperation with other systems.
Addressable entities are still increasing and will reach millions even billions in few years with the emergence of sensor networks, Internet of things, growing data etc. They claim that routing research are not encouraging according to [3] (will be reviewed later). Hence, they ll investigate the efficiency of name based routing which integrate both resolution and retrieval paths. Name based routing will locate DO based on their ID by transforming the ID directly into a path without going through ID-address transition. Other techniques such as LLc and NodeID are to be investigated also (Soon will be reviewed).
The information network can be implemented following two different models:
- Network based storage model where storage resources are provided by the network infrastructure, like dedicated storage servers.
- Network managed storage model where network nodes control portions of storage memory of users connected to the network. Users will be able to decide what DO goes public or be shared only with friends etc.
Search systems are expected to go far beyond text match search, such as semantic search or even search functionality based on GPS position, location positioning. For example when a picture of Eiffel tower is taken, a search mechanism will handle the identification of the monument based on GPS or other techniques and points to DO related informations such as web page, history etc.
This position paper gives many ideas and anticipations about the future Internet architecture and reveals the weakness in the current addressing system. They distinguish between DO and IO and argued that a network of information needs a scalable naming system supported by an efficient routing system.
1 - V. Jacobson, M. Mosko, D. Smetters, and J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves. Content-centric networking. Whitepaper, Palo Alto Research Center, Jan. 2007.
2 - M. Walfish, H. Balakrishnan, and S. Shenker. Untangling the web from DNS. In NSDI’04: Proc. 1st Symp. on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
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