The IPv6 stateless auto configuration allows hosts to generate IP addresses without the need of a central node to coordinate and distribute unique addresses. The mechanism allows to generate a unique IP address by using the IEEE interface identifier. Actually the interface identifier is generated based on address identifier such as a MAC address which is supposed to be unique, a characteristic guaranteed by the constructor/manufacturer of the network card.
Using a unique interface identifier allows nodes to generate unique IPv6 addresses. The Node adds the network prefix to the interface identifier in order to obtain a 128 bit unique (local or global) address.
Consequently, when a node moves to another network the prefix is the only changing part in the IPv6 address since the interface identifier is always the same and unique.
This unchanging part of the IP address allows for tracking and user localization which violates privacy. ( An employee is at home?, active?, with whom he is communicating? etc).
This privacy problem occurred in the IPv6 and did not exist in the IPv4 which assigned IP addresses independently from the interface identifier.
Any possible Approaches?
- Use DHCPv6 to assign and manage addresses. Those addresses are also temporary and never changed. RFC 4941 claims to propose a similar DHCPv6 approach when using temporary addresses.
- Change the interface identifier portion of the address over time and generate new addresses from the interface identifier.
- Caller ID approach: Many machines function as clients and servers. When acting as a server the machine would need a DNS name. The privacy issue appears when the machine is acting like a client and its identity is revealed. (The similarity with the caller ID approach is when a user lists his telephone numbers publicly but disable the display of its number when initiating calls.)
Their approach proposes the generation of Temporary addresses, a pseudo-random sequence of interface identifiers using the MD5 hash. These addresses would be used for a short period of time. New temporary addresses will be generated to replace the expired ones. Nodes concerned about privacy may use different interface identifiers on different prefixes.
Generation of Randomized Interface Identifiers:
They propose to use 2 approaches in order to generate randomized interface identifiers.
- The first requires a 64 bit stable storage for generated temporary addresses, so the new generated address is based on the previous one. This technique prevents two nodes of generating the same random number.
- The non stable storage technique will use configuration parameters like user ID, serial numbers with a randomized data and an MD5 algorithm is order to generate random numbers.
- Alternate approaches can be used like CGA (Cryptographically Generated Addresses) to generate a random interface ID based on the node's public key. The purpose is to prove ownership of an IPv6 address and prevents stealing and spoofing of addresses. However this technique requires that a node holds a public key. The node can still be identified by its key (transactions etc). The process is intensive and discourages frequent regeneration. (Especially on low cost machines).
The use of temporary addresses is an approach proposed to resolve privacy issues, however this solution have the following impacts on the Internet:
- The widespread use of temporary addresses complicating the flexibility of generating global unique addresses from interface identifiers since for each generated address DAD should be applied.
- Clients having their addresses changing over time will make packet tracking more difficult and so debugging when unknown behaviors occurs. Hence the packet's source cannot be determined if it is from one machine or multiple ones.
- Some servers refuses access to clients for which no DNS names exists. Temporary addresses are not registered.
- How to distinguish in a large network with a high rate of changing temporary addresses between the new generated addresses and spoofed addresses.
We can see clearly that stateless auto configuration generates addresses without the need of a central node and no need to apply DAD. However this unchanging part is causing privacy issue and permits identification and node tacking across the Internet due to the prefix modification when entering another network.
This prefix modification is the result of the hierarchical nature of the Internet addresses to facilitate routing and delegate address management between organizations. An unstructured architecture will hide the topology of the network but will add more burden on routers in order to transfer and deliver packets.
A new naming and addressing approach should make a good balance between simplicity and flexibility in generating global unique addresses in a distributed, self manner and providing privacy hence not exposing identity and node's location.
Link to the RFC
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